Hair Growth: powerful active ingredients

Growing your hair can feel like watching paint dry.

It’s a slow, arduous process.

But there are some ingredients you can use to ensure that your hair grows as quick as it can.

Product Launch Pack:

  • Bio-Placenta Hair: a combination of growth factors that stimulate hair growth by lengthening the anagen phase and strenghtening the follicles.
  • Biomimetic peptides: 3 innovative peptides which promote hair growth: Prohairin B4, Rejuline and Copper Peptide.
  • Sangmodan : thanks to its anti-inflammatory activity and increased blood circulation to the scalp, it helps prevent hair loss and hair thinning.
  • HotFlux® : helps to reduce the secretion of DHT and the inflammatory response induced by atmospheric pollutants, also it stimulates the transcription of growth factors and improves microcirculation.
  • Vitamin D3-Like: stimulates hair growth thanks to its interaction with the VDR receptors present in the hair follicle.

Discover our favorite innovations for your best hair ever!

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